May 2, 2018

Newport Beach, CA – May 2, 2018 – Vboost (www.vboost.com), a viral marketing company focused on the auto industry, today announced the release of Vboost 3.0, which includes two new products aimed at increasing auto dealers’ viral marketing audience: Vboost Live and Vboost showroom.

Vboost Live: integrates with the dealer’s website and posts customer videos in real-time, creating thousands of pages of searchable content and increasing organic search results.

All customer approved videos/photos integrate seamlessly with the dealership website, offering even more exposure for this rich content. In some cases, these videos perform better than reviews — customer images are included so it is clear they are not fraud reviews. Dealers can customize their “Happy Customer’ page and individual sales reps are also promoted on the dealer website. The “My Customer” monthly montage is integrated as well.

Vboost Showroom: Digital signage at its best, Vboost Showroom surrounds customers with positive content. It seamlessly brings social media into the dealership’s showroom; every post, review, photo and happy customer video populates showroom flat screens in real-time.

Vboost Showroom pulls all social content into the showroom including Yelp Reviews/ customer photos/ Facebook feed/Twitter feed/ Instagram/Local weather/ YouTube videos/ Special offers/ Salesperson of the month… Whatever lives online can be pulled into the showroom and displayed on screens for customer viewing. Dealers can take a completely hands-free approach as Vboost personnel do all the programing and updates.

“The most powerful form of marketing is word-of-mouth and social media is the word-of-mouth of today, said Paul Moran, Vboost President and CEO. “We offer the only form of advertising that gets posted for you by your customers, which is the best way to become part of the online conversation that goes on during the buying cycle. I am very excited by the results of Vboost Live and Vboost Showroom which are included in our latest version, Vboost 3.0.  Our new platform and features are further boosting viral marketing performance for our auto dealer clients,” Moran added.


Several other improvements have also been made to Vboost 3.0, including a faster platform that delivers customer photos/videos in 30 seconds, versus 8 minutes. Vboost 3.0 also offers an improved video template which speeds up video production and has more customization options for auto dealers. In addition, the photo-taking process has been simplified; a viral marketing campaign can be launched in under sixty seconds with just four simple steps. Vboost 3.0 also works on all operating systems including IOS and Android.

Vboost has perfected a quick and easy process to capture photos at the time of vehicle delivery and quickly gets those “branded” photos out to the customer. Now the customer becomes the dealer’s advocate by posting/sharing the photos.


The Vboost Viral Marketing Platform delivers and tracks thousands of viral messages monthly – all designed to create referral business for dealers and their individual salespeople. The captured photos are stitched into a slideshow set to music and sent to the customer. Vboost pays the publishing rights so that their dealers can use nearly any song they choose. Customers share these videos via Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and other social platforms, and additionally email them to their friends and family. Now, with over seven million video views, the concept has caught fire.


With just a few clicks on a mobile app, hundreds of Vboost auto dealer clients send thousands of viral messages every month, reaching new customers through the customers’ friends and family.

Vboost’s mission is to create and deliver viral marketing messages every day promoting the dealership and the sales rep and creating referrals. The customer receives the content in a format that compels them to share on their own terms. The shares and views are then tracked and optimized.

For more information click on this Vboost overview video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oJixDzVhYVE

Or, for additional information and to schedule a demonstration call: 800-799-3130, or visit    www.vboost.com

About Vboost:


Based in Newport Beach, CA, Vboost, Inc. is the first proactive process to create positive viral marketing in the retail automotive space. It involves a streamlined process via a mobile application and three unique technologies which collect customer photos at the time of vehicle delivery, convert them to custom music videos and then send them directly to the customer via email or text. By delivering these branded messages to customers during their emotional highpoint, most customers are compelled to upload and share these videos with family and friends via Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, email and other social media platforms. Best of all, results from each viral marketing campaign are being monitored, quantified and reported back to the dealers.