February 2, 2016

Huntington Beach, CA – February 2, 2016 — Vboost Inc., (, a viral marketing company focused on the auto industry, today announced that the company has grown so fast it has expanded into new offices in Santa Ana, CA. The expansion follows the addition of several new features to its highly successful marketing program auto dealers use to produce share rates from 60 percent to as high as 130 percent for their innovative “Customercials.” Vboost now has automotive dealer clients in 20 states across the U.S. and Canada.
Vboost’s core product is a quick and easy process to capture photos at the time of vehicle delivery and immediately send these “branded” photos onto customers to share with family and friends. The captured photos are stitched into a slideshow set to music. These are called “Customercials”. Now the customer becomes the dealer advocate by posting and sharing the video/photo packages via Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and other social platforms, as well as emailing and texting them to their friends and family.

Vboost then monitors and quantifies results from each viral marketing campaign and reports back to their dealers. The Vboost Viral Marketing Platform delivers and tracks thousands of viral messages monthly – all designed to create referral business for its dealers. Vboost dealers enjoy high share rates because the content is unique and relevant to their customers. These results go beyond simple page views — they reflect customers that are actually clicking and watching the dealership “customercials.”

The Vboost “customercials” can be sent to the customer with an enticing message, such as a first service offer, to encourage the customer to connect with the service department and schedule their first vehicle service. Once the videos and photos are shared, the offer then changes to a sales offer for friends and family. Up to 35 percent of photo packages convert into online traffic for the dealership and enhanced reporting features enable dealers to better track all these interactions.
Vboost has successfully helped auto dealers connect with customers and win the online marketing game for over 3 years, constantly upgrading the platform based on results and feedback from users. The next generation of the platform brings Vboost to a new level. Most recently, Vboost signed an agreement with a top recording clearing house. Auto dealers now have a huge selection of music to use as background for their “customercials.” This further increases the impact with the customer, boosting social media interactions, views and customer share rates. For a sample click here:

Another recent new feature is an upgrade that enables dealerships to get instant customer consent to post their photos and videos on the dealership’s website and Facebook page, as well as other social media properties. Dealerships can now post this content every day. On average, customer consent is given 60-70 percent of the time. And, the final new feature is the ability for dealerships to text the “customercial” photos directly to the customers’ cell phone. This leads to increased open rates and faster online sharing.
“It’s the passion behind car buying that translates over to social networking sites and this is why our company has grown so fast — its exactly what Vboost does. We enable the customer to share their passion for that new vehicle with their network of family and friends and the results are incredibly powerful,” Moran stated.
“Our dealers often enjoy over 100 percent share rates and thousands of photos/video views through our proactive process. We bring them more referral business by creating positive viral marketing from customer photos taken at the time of delivery. These then get shared by the customer on social media. The most powerful form of marketing is word-of-mouth and social media is the word-of-mouth of today. Vboost is the only form of advertising that gets posted for you by your customers. This is the best way to become part of the online conversation that goes on during the buying cycle,” Moran added
For more information, or to schedule a demo, call 800-799-3130 or visit

About Vboost:

Based in Huntington Beach, CA, Vboost, Inc., is the first process to bring more referral business to dealers by creating positive viral marketing that is delivered quickly and gets shared. It involves a streamlined process, via a mobile application and three unique technologies, which collect customer photos at the time of vehicle delivery, convert them to custom music videos and send directly to the customer. By sending these branded messages to customers during the emotional highpoint of the buying process, it has been found that most buyers are compelled to upload and share these videos with family and friends via Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, email and other social media platforms. Best of all, results from each viral marketing campaign are monitored, quantified and reported back to the dealers. For more information or a demonstration call 800.799.3130 or visit